Thursday, July 16, 2009

Come Scrap with me....

I am going to show you something fun today. This is what the Alpha Female got the other day.
It's a 4 inch die, so the Scotties are probably about 3.5 inches?
It makes Scottie clones....teehee....she said I could make all the male scotties I wanted.

I made Duhgall so I could give him a woofy kiss.
Maybe tomorrow I'll make one of Piper so I can give him a woofy kiss too.
I'm not fickle...just road testing woofy kisses.
She who gets to play with all the scrap goodies says if you want one of these scottie die cuts to let her know and she'll send you either a black, wheaten or grey one.....she doesn't have brindle cardstock, but you can add chalky streaks to match your fave scotty. I added reddish streaks to my blonde locks...I have the cutest ginger streak on my back. Puffers does too. We match!
Let us know if you want a bow or a collar on your scottie.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

I'd love to show you the real thing!! wink wink


karensbrae said...

These are really good can we get one!!

ScamperingScotties said...

I would love to have one but am torn btwn a black one and a wheaten one, I don't want to play favorites :) Those are so darn cute!!

Dandy Duke said...

How adorable!
We love you in your glasses! You look so serious!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Judi said...

Hi there
How adorable...I wish I had scottie so I could get one of those too. How fun. Can you do other things with that cutter? Love it. Your puppies are adorable....
I've had fun visiting and I've been here before too. I've added you to my list so that I can return.
come by too when you have some time.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We would love to have a Scottie or three (if we can be selfish). Please let us know how to send you our address and our Mom will send you some green stuff to pay for them and the postage.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

tammy said...

I would like one if the offer is still available. Until I can get a breathing, real one, I would like a black Scottie w/ a bow or collar, suprise me. Let me know about the green stuff to send too and about sending an address. Thanks! These posts are really cute and funny, I can use a laugh these days!