Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pawreyers please?

My Mr. isn't doing very well. She got up in a tither today and hauled him off to the people emergency vet place. We didn't get brekky although she told the idiot Marine to feed us and walk us. He's had a stroke...and SHE said it wasn't anything like me getting a stroke from my Mr. I'm very lonely. Puffy's not much company. He sleeps a LOT. And the idiot Marine went back to bed and forgot all about us. She finally came home a while ago and fed us after yelping at the IM. She's going to be at the people vet center thingy for a while and asked if I could ask all my doggie friends to have their peeps pray for my Mr. I sure miss him.
And maybe her too.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We will definitely keep your Mr. in our prayers Bonnie!

The Mama Beth (and Dory and Bilbo)

Scooter said...

Oh Bonnie I am sorry about your dad. We will pray for him to get better and be able to come home soon.

You take care of your mom Bonnie.

Many prayers here
Jazzi and Diana

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh my. Bonnie. Of course we will pray for your daddy. He is where he needs to be right now, getting the care he requires. Try to be patient and know he'll be home soon. We hope his stay is short and his recovery quick. We know he misses you as much as you miss him. We are so sorry.

Prayer lists can be never-ending. We have already added him to ours.

Hopeful and encouraging licks,
Jake and Fergi and family

Bella and Ollie said...

Me and all my family will pray for your Mr.
And I hope Marine is going to take better care of you !
Love, Bella and family.

Euri said...

So sorry to hear about your Mr. We're sending positive pawreyrs your way.

Yas said...

Prayers on their way!!
Take care of you and your mommy!!


Martha said...

Bonnie, we are so sorry to read this.
We will be keeping your Mr. and your family in our thoughts.
Lots of cuddles will be required Bonnie - these humans need extra at times like this.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Dandy Duke said...

We're sending tons of healing thoughts Mr's way, Bonnie. Make sure you give your mom extra nuzzles, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Bonnie, that is really serious and scary. We hope that he got to the hospital in time and that he will get better. You need to focus on taking care of mom, OK?


Abigail said...

He is very lucky to have you and ladies in his life. The healing power of family. And hopefully us, your blogger family, helps

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh Bonnie, My loudest purrs go out to you.. Mum will keep you in her thoughts.. Get well MR.. HUgs GJ x

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...


We will add you and your family to our prayers. We'll even pray for IM to remember to feed you.


You are in our thoughts.

Mom to N&C

BRUTUS said...

Oh, Bonnie.... So sorry to hear about your Mr. We will keep your family in our thoughts. Hope the doctors can make him well soon!

Michelle (Brute's mom)

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

So sorry to hear that. And on my first visit here. How scary. Hope he gets better soon and comes home to you!

Inky and Molly said...

Oh no, that's not good news. We hope the pinkie will recover soon so you can snuggle together again soon...

Dexter said...

Mango Momma here.

I don't really have words for how frightening this must be. I hope that you are able to be with Mr. and know that my thoughts are with you.

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dear girl we are praying as hard as we can...Give your Mom extra loving and kisses...Our legs are all crossed and kisses A+A

Anonymous said...

Oh Bonnie! I'm so thinking about you and your peep. (Both of your peeps actually.)

Paw-leeze let us know how He's doing, won't you?

Your Pal and a Roo Roo,

Maxmom said...

Dearest Bonnie
Oh that is terrible news. PLease give your Mom big licks from us all here in SA. We will be thinking & Praying for you too. Sending lots of love and warm wishes.

Deefor said...

Hope he's feeling better. We'll keep out paws crossed.

Eric said...

Dear little Bonny. How sad for you all.I'll be keeping my paws tightly crossed for your Mr's improvement. Give your Mom plenty of comforting hugs and cuddles.I send her some too. Love Eric xx

Angus said...

We'll all be thinking of you

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Bonnie...we're keeping your whole family in our thoughts and prayers...

We know it's a very hard time for you...we'll keep you all close to our hearts...

Update when you can...

Hugs and kisses,

Lacie, Scruffy and Stanley