Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photo shoot....shot...not...pooey

How to have a PERFECT photo shoot for a splendid Christmas card.

Take one well behaved Scottie....(hahahahhahaaaaa)

Add one cute hat....

Take lots of photos of same Scottie who turned into a whirling dervish.

She finally wore herself out.

Not that the photos improved any.

Sometimes it's just a bad hat day.
For those that have stuck with us this far, I have a Mr. update. He doesn't have any blockages, etc that would require stints or surgeries, but will be having a valve transplant this Friday. They wheeled him straight from the Cath lab to CV ICU. He isn't the most compliant patient, so the ICU nurse had me take his clothes out to the car. He wants to check himself out and do this in 2 weeks. It's soooo not happening. Anyways, if you could keep him in your prayers for good surgery this Friday, I'd really appreciate it. Because he's gone so long and kept putting this off, its now a high risk surgery.
Bonnie will be back to her regular updates soon.
Thanks so much for your kind support,
Bonnie's support staff


Hamish Westie said...

Hi Bonnie
I don't like hats either.....(there is a good reason why you have not yet seen pictures of me wearing some dumb tartan cap that Gail keeps trying to take photos of me wearing).
Paws crossed for the Mr's surgery on Friday. Nobody wants to in hospital over Christmas, but sometimes these clever surgeon chappies can work wonders.
Cheers, H.

Scooter said...

OH Bonnie, I certainly can feel your pain, I HATE those darn hats. Whoever invented hats should be SHOT!!! My mom tries, sometimes succeeeds and sometimes not!!! I do like the 4th picture of you with the hat on, it does look cute.

We will keep the MR in our prayers for a great surgery and quick recovery. Hopefully he wont be in the hospital long and you can keep a good eye on him at home!!!


Dexter said...

We will be thinking of your Mr. Sometimes those humans don't know what is good for them (or sometimes they are maybe scared and don't want to admit it).

I hope he gets all fixed up and home to you soon.

There were many most excellent photos in your holiday shoot.


Yas said...

Luv the color on you! That hat is soo snazzy and soo matches you!!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

You look pretty sweet in that cap - in any position.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family as the Mr. has his surgery. We know you will be glad to get him home where you can snoopervise the nursing.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

BRUTUS said...

A hottie scottie! BOL - I love it!! My favorite photo is the one where you onely have one eye peeking out from under the hat. I was subjected to a hat yesterday, wait till you see what I had to put up with! Jazzi is right - who ever invented hats should be shot!

Those Mr's sure are stubborn, aren't they? When will they ever learn? We'll keep your Mr in our prayers, we have 2 grandpas that have had valve transplants, so mom has been through the same things!

Brutus the Frenchie

Martha said...

What a great photo shoot Bonnie! We loved your hat but we wouldnt wear it!
We are having a short break over xmas and just wanted to wish you and your family the very best Xmas.
We look forward to catching up with you in the New Year.
love and best wishes
Martha & bailey xxx

Inky and Molly said...

No matter what they'll do to you or what they'll make you wear, we think you are adorable!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Great hat Bonnie...Gotta love pink!!!

Mama says we will keep the Mr. in our prayers!


Dandy Duke said...

For a minute there we didn't think you had eyes, Bonnie!
We will be sending lots of AireZen Mr's way! Paws are crossed!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bella and Ollie said...

I love your hat Bonnie, such a pretty colour!
We'll all pray for your Mr and hope all goes well.
Love, Bella

Maxmom said...

Hi there Bonnie
Those are really pawsome pics'! I just love them...and you are such a cutie-pie too.
We will be thinking of you 'today' (since its Friday here already). We hope that the surgery turns out well and that your patient becomes more peacefully patient.
With lots of love

Lacy said...

The first photo with the hat over the eyes, made me laugh out loud. How can one little pup be so cute?
Love your blog. It has helped to lift my spirits. Having lost our brave Maggie this year, it has meant the world to read your blog.
Thank you so much.

Abigail said...

Well hey there sweet girl!!

Euri said...

You look so adorable in that hat! Happy New Year!