Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So much to do...so little time!

So much to do.......gotta shop for pressies, find the cards, address and mail them, bake cookies and fruit cakelets, decorate the tree and the house, unpack the Christmas china...oh wait, the Mr. is checking into the hospital tomorrow for more tests. My world is just turned upside down! I guess all the Christmas stuff will hafta wait a bit.

Here's out wee little sad tree. She got it last Wednesday at the grocery store. They were about to run out of trees so she got the Marine to help her haul it home and get it setup. While he was getting it all squared away, Puffy decided to water it. They had to hose it down before they brought it in the house. It was nekked for her Saturday Christmas party. It's a good thing she's got friends that thought it was fun to have a nekked tree. Two of her friends gave her some ornaments as pressies. Good thing. Sunday she bought some lights for the poor little thing, but not enough. The lights only covered up 2/3 of the tree. Yeah, there are lights and ornaments in the attic. More on that below.

And there it sat for 2 more days. Lights 2/3 of the way up the tree. It would probably get done quicker if I did it myself.

Here is out pitiful tree with lights all over and the same 2 ornies. Lame. See, the Marine was supposed to get the stuff out of the attic. He saw 'something' skittering in the shadows and decided retreat was the best part of valor. He hates creepy crawlies. Doesn't mind going to war and living in the dirt, but nothing that 'skitters'. He did manage to grab the tree stand on the way down the ladder.

Guess what time it is? It should be my time to actually DATE a real live breathing hunk of Scotlands best....the terrier named after the country. But noooooooo.....dating is on hold.

I'm gonna leave ya'll with a parting shot of a come hither look.....sigh....that's all it is, a look.

Wishful thinking.


Hamish Westie said...

I'll be right over! As soon a possible! Gail is going to help me book a flight. Although it might be difficult as some idiots at British Airways are planning a strike. But I'm sure we can do it.
Cheers, H.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Piper thinks he can be there before Hamish!! He's on the way and running fast. And he's practiced up - he and Carrleigh and have "dating" like crazy.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Martha said...

We are coming too - we will email Hamish and see if we can hire a private plane due to the British Airways strike.
Your tree looks so pretty.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Dexter said...

Bonnie! Are you heated up? Oh boy!

I think your tree looks pretty with the lights, but yeah, maybe that marine needs to man up and fetch the ornaments regardless of what might be lurking in the attic.

Better yet, send you up first. That will clear out any scary monsters for sure.


Dexter said...

P.S. I am on my way to your house. I know I promised you Mascotts for Christmas. Hehehe.

Dandy Duke said...

We think your tree is just beautiful, Bonnie! The lights are the best part!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I had this big long comment ready...but all I can think of now is mascotts...Do bot be ascared Bonnie....ok, not TOO afraid.

Mama is relating about how Christmas snuck up on efurrybody!!
