Sunday, December 27, 2009

What the....?????

Look at this!!! I don't know where he came from, but if his snout shows up in this house, he's one dead dog walking! How come HE gets to stay with my Mr.??? And I don't! There is just something wrong with all that. I'm gonna grab him by the scruff of his well groomed neck and just give him a wee shake.

Bah Humbug.
I have not had a very Merry Christmas....although SHE did come home Christmas night and stay with me n Puffy. And she gave us nice pressies and nummer cookies. But there wasn't any ham or turkey or dressing and we were lonely. She's been staying with the Mr. And the idiot Marine has been sorta taking care of us, but only the BAREST of doggie care.

My Mr. is going to have another surgery thingy in the morning. They had to call in an electrician or something like that and She says they are gonna shock each heart chamber to try and get him some rhythm. Please keep him in yer pawreyers for a bit more?

SHE wants to let everyone know she has enjoyed following everyone's Christmas antics and good wishes. The hospital has wifi, but it's v e r y s l o w......and she said we will get back to posting once things have settled down a bit.

All my best wishes for a great new year for everydoggie bloggie!



Dexter said...

The Elect Twist Can who did the wiring on our new front porch has one of those shockers in him too. You would think given his profession he could just stick his finger in a socket if the need arose.

So now your Mr. is going to be totally plugged in. Do you think he will get the internets through that thing?

Hey, hope that everything goes well. Truthfully it sounds kind of scary. You just simmer down and think good thoughts that he is home safe and sound with your lovely self soon.


Scooter said...

Bonnie,Maybe you better have a chat with the idiot marine that you need and deserve better care.

We will remember your MR and hopefully he will be home soon and you can catch up on time with him. Give your mom lots of kisses and they both love you

Many wishes

Yas said...

Paws crossed and prayers are heading your way!!
Stay pawsitive!!


Dandy Duke said...

Our dad has had that cardioversion stuff! Your Mr. remains in our thoughts and prayers!
What a cute Scottie stuffie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

BRUTUS said...

Good to hear that your momma is doing better. Those humans spend so much time & energy taking care of others that sometimes they forget to look after themselves! Maybe you need to get that marine doing some serious sit-ups for neglecting the TLC!!!

Hang in there Bonnie girl-
Brutus the Frenchie

Inky and Molly said...

All paws continued to be crossed for your Mr and your Mama for putting up with everything. Someone did well with the Scottie stuffie. We know, potential threat and all but VERY cute...
PS Our German grandad also had some new valves put in in his ticker and it took some time but he is indeed tickering fine now!

Bella and Ollie said...

Best wishes of health for your Mister, I hope everything goes well.
All the best for you and your Mom, too, we're all thinking of you and praying for you.

Abigail said...

We are all so glad to hear that things are getting better everyday there. You are a strong family!